Gang Perks

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Gangs earn Perks each time they level up. Below is a list of all gang perks as of 2023.

Ability Description
Lumberjack You hit trees twice as hard
Lucky Miner You have a 15% chance to get an extra ore when mining
Extensive Research Weapon Modifying is $1000 less expensive
Respected Citizen Buying from the PD Screen is 50% cheaper
Rookie Luck You have a 10% chance to re-route a hit on you
No Returns Sell doors for 100% instead of 50%
Speed Knockout Your individual kidnap timer decreases from 3 -> 2 Minutes. Doesn't apply to CC's
Struggle You can break out of cuffs 25% faster
Advanced Software Keypad Crackers crack 10% faster
Clumped Experience As the Spirit Caller, the required xp pool is reduced to 75
Stacked Nades As Smoke, all of your grenades last for an extra 3 seconds or are more powerful
Crime Doesn't Pay When fining someone, their jail time will be extended by 1 minute if not paid
You Didn't See Anything You have a 50% chance to not trigger a bounty while killing someone
Ez Pz You get one extra easy quest per week
I'm not ready yet! Your Mayor immune time is raised to 10 minutes
Rigged Elections You get 2 extra votes immediately while running for Mayor
Bronze Storage You gain 5 extra inventory slots
Quick Fish The amount of time to catch a fish has been reduced by 1 - 3 seconds
Escape Artist You have a 5% chance to be immediately released from jail
Detective Skills Playing as a detective will show you where the killer is located
The Fun Starts Unlock Gang Wars
Found You! As the PD commander, you can see the player with the highest bounty on your screen
Elastic Restraints As batman, your restrain time is increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds
Jammer Your position is updated slower to the Bounty Hunter
Pick Of Steel Your lockpick can no longer break
Reinforcements Every door you buy is equipped with a door shield
Big Stomach You can eat the pickup box for 60 seconds instead of 30
Big Winnings When you pay for and win an event you get 4 tokens instead of 1
Full Range You can use the PD menu without a range restriction
Ahead of the Game You have a 20% chance to prevent a bounty hunter from hunting you
Firefight Expert You can call a gang war every 3 hours instead of 6
Charged Up Your hack power increases 30% faster
Farmer Joe You will get 1 more drugs while harvesting
Strong Immune System You have a 30% higher chance to not get Coronavirus
Billybob's Wish Entering the RDM zone gives you 200 of each ammo
Silver Storage You gain 5 more extra inventory slots
Tax Evasion You get taxed 50% less
Barter Selling goods that aren't weapons yield 2% more cash
Knowledge is Power You have a 10% higher chance to not get a common while enchanting
Sweet Spot You have a 5% chance to get an extra chemical barrel when filling up
Projectile Shark Attempting to bite someone as a shark will launch you in their direction
Infused GMO Food stat time is increased by 50%
Enhanced View As the infiltrator, your device's wallhack range is doubled
Upgraded Protection Hackers have a chance to fail a hack on your machines
Gold Storage You gain an extra 5 inventory slots
Plentiful Feast When farming crops, you have a 20% chance to get another shipment
I Know a Guy Buying items from the PD screen is now free (except scratch offs)
Enchanted Matrix You have a 2% chance to duplicate a gun while enchanting
Knockout Babies As the pedophile, your babies now have a small chance to knock someone out for 5 seconds
Second Hand Cure Drinking Bleach cures everyone around you
Blue Blood In the water as a crab, you regenerate 20% health every 10 seconds and move faster
Trained Pupper As the police K9, you spawn with an arrest baton and cuffs
Big Spooks Master Stalker stalking effect is greatly increased + you regen armor
Special Ingredient When making a potion, you have a 10% chance to create a random potion along with it
Glimmer Of Hope Your props have a 1% chance to void a material grenade
Freezer Food You have a 10% chance to duplicate food you just made
ICU As Picolas Cage, you get a list of up to 3 people that you need to
Secret Recipe Potions with timers are extended by 25%
Small Stash Heisting the PD Bank gives you 2 extra shipments
Soul Keeper You have a 5% chance to keep all talismans on death
Spook Central As the Master Stalker your stalking damage is increased by 100%
Treasure Galore As the Treasure Hunter, you have 2 more treasure locations
Platinum Storage Increase your bank slots by 5
Hack The Hack You have a 10% chance to have your next hack as the Hacker cost nothing
Numbing The Pain As the Police K9 your bite has a 30% chance to stun
Farmers Market As the Restaurant Owner you can buy a food shipment in half of the time as normal
Adventure Awaits Unlock an extra Medium Quest per week
Steel Lined Grapple Batman's Grapple hook will pull you faster
Amazon Minimum Wage Parcel Deliveries give you 50% more cash
Unlock CC Unlock a gang CC